Monday, July 14, 2008

Dogs and Babies

Alright, Let me start by saying that dogs and kids are not much different. They both eat a lot, drool, and get into things that they shouldn't. So even more to the story is last weekend I worked all weekend and here is a picture Jenna having a great time while home with daddy. (He says he only went to the bathroom for a minute and he left Taylor in charge!) Now here are the dogs all posed nicely for a picture. We are trying to make a huge decision about whether or not to get rid of Max. Well that sounded terrible. We are thinking about looking for a new home for him. One where he will be happier (can be inside all day, on the furniture and drool where ever he wants). We are really sad.... Though it may be better for both of us. Who knows what will happen because we have been contemplating this for a while now.

Don't they look so innocent and nice!

1 comment:

Melinda Ann said...

Which one is Max?????

Maybe Jenni and Dave should take him!!!!!!!!! THAT is the best idea! haha

I'm actually serious!