Here are a few pictures from Christmas Day with the girls. I don't have a ton of good pictures because I got a new little video camera and I did mostly video.
Taylor got a new big bike! It looks as big as her in the picture, but by spring she will be riding away on the 20inch bike, a big difference from starting last year on the little 12 inch bike.
Jenna was all smiles for the camera, and here are a few pics just for fun. Both girls loved the new playhouse, it is sooo cute!
Granny and Papa came over and brought us some sticky buns, yummm!
And Christmas night we headed over to Granny and Papa's to celebrate with the rest of the family. Lance looked so cute in his new sweatshirt, and I don't think he ever put down his flashlight!
Taylor and Grace showed off their new princess dresses. Thank you Aunt Jaime!