Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snow Day

All bundled up. The girls went out to play in the freezing cold. Jenna didn't last too long, but Taylor played and played.
Lots of snow!
Just relaxing watching the news on the laptop!! Wow, how old does she think she is???

Jenna singing S-A-N-T-A, so cute.

Monday, December 13, 2010


This past weekend was our annual girls shopping trip to Chicago!
Jaime and I waiting for the Train to head down town for the day. Here come the train.
Down town lit up at night!

We had a great time, did lots of shopping! It was a little treacherous driving home, but we all made it safe and sound! Poor Jaime was trapped in airports all day and finally made it back to Knoxville just before midnight!

Merry Christmas

Last week we took the girls to see Santa at Bronners, he was a great Santa and gave Jenna some time to warm up, and also took the time to talk to Taylor about being a good sister and not fighting, and being a good daughter and helping keep her room clean! WOW, she really thought that he had been watching.
Then we came home and relaxed in front of the tree in our Christmas PJ's!